Delivery charge RS 250/-

You have up to three days from the date of delivery to initiate a return or exchange if you are not satisfied with your purchase. This policy typically allows you to either receive a refund for the purchase price or exchange the item for another product.

It’s important to note that the exact terms and conditions of the return and exchange policy may vary depending on the retailer. Some retailers may require that the item is returned in its original packaging and in the same condition as when it was received, while others may have specific restrictions on certain types of items, such as electronics or perishable goods.

Before making a purchase, it’s always a good idea to review the retailer’s return and exchange policy to understand the details of their policy, including any time limits, requirements for returning items, and any associated fees. If you have any questions about the return and exchange policy, you can contact to us via directly WhatsApp or contact form on website.

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